Welcome to my website! I appreciate your interest in my photography! I've maintained a social media presence on Instagram and Vero for the last couple of years, but realized recently that I did not have a good way to share my work with friends, family, and others who are interested in seeing my photography but may not have these social media accounts. Also, since I post most weekdays on my social media feeds, after awhile my best work gets lost in the clutter of the social media feed. Having my own website allows me to showcase my best work in high-resolution format that can be quickly viewed and appreciated.
My website portfolio and galleries will continue to evolve as I continue my photographic journey. You'll see my best new photos added, and some may drop off over time as they are replaced with better work.
I will use this blog to post my latest activity, website updates, and highlights from my social media activity. Blog updates will be posted as I have information to share, but not more than 1-2 times per week. Visit my About page and subscribe to the website for email notifications of the latest blog postings.
Thanks again and enjoy my images!