Fredericksburg Area Wildflowers

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Fredericksburg Area Wildflowers
Fredericksburg Area Wildflowers

I spent a couple of days last week exploring the area around Fredericksburg, Texas for wildflowers.  The weather did not cooperate much, as has been my experience for most of my wildflower photography outings this year.  I didn't find much in the immediate Fredericksburg area, but as I moved north and east, there were still some great bluebonnet and Indian paintbrush vistas along the highway.  The photos above and below were taken along Ranch Road 1323 on the drive from Willow City to Johnson City. 

A lunchtime visit to LBJ State Park found most of the wildflowers there about played out, and an afternoon drive along Ranch Roads 1623 and 1888 turned up no standout wildflower displays, though still a pleasant spring drive.

Wednesday morning,  I began a circular route back to the Houston area by heading north on State Highway 16 to Llano.   There was early morning sun and beautiful reoadside stretches of wildflowers from the Willow City loop area onward. The bluebonnets and paintbrushes were giving way to Indian blankets and sunflowers as shown in these photos.

East of Llano, there were still plenty of bluebonets on State Highway 71,  but it is a busy road and you best look for a turnout rather than stopping on the shoulder.  I didn't find the turnouts and wildflowers in the same location.  A detour on Ranch Road 962 into the Austin area didn't turn up many wildflowers, but it is an interesting drive with a one lane bridge across the Pedernales River.  The road also goes by the Hamilton Pool, which requires reservations but is worthy of a future trip.

The second week in April is a little late for bluebonnets in the Fredericksburg area,  but it was worth exploring the area further since I was there for the eclipse already. I'll be posting these and other photos of the area on my social media accounts over the next week or two. Follow me on Instagram or Vero, where  I post a new photo most weekdays featuring my current photographic activities.

Best, Scott

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